Author Archives: takershaw

Tell me about your Mother

Tell me about your mother – the exhibition…

In June 2013 Banks Mill Studios in Derby was host to the first preview of Tracey’s latest body of work, titled ‘Tell Me about Your Mother’.  The exhibition ran for three weeks and was so well received that it was decided to create an online version of the exhibition here.

One of the key tenets from the outset of the work was that it should be about everyone’s experiences, not just Tracey’s own. One of the works aimed to make visitors part of the ongoing project by allowing them to write down their own experiences and thoughts about their mothers and putting them into a specially crafted ‘Tell me about your mother’ box.

Continuing this theme, below this virtual exhibition is a comment box where you can leave your own thoughts and recollections about your mother.


Tell me about your mother - exhibition photo

The ‘Tell Me About Your Mother’ box for capturing visitor thoughts and Tracey in the chair documenting her own memories


Portraits from the work  'Was she a good mother ?'

Portraits from the work ‘Was she a good mother ?’



Garden Plan and images from "My Mother's Milk"

Garden Plan and images from “My Mother’s Milk”